Based on the results of positive psychology, Happiness Lessons aim to provide methodological support to develop the ability to nurture happiness in children attending nurseries and schools.
Following strict methodological and professional guidelines our Happiness Lessons Programme consists of ten consequent topics designed for nursery, primary and secondary school children. They are meant to gradually unveil the different components and conditions of happiness.
The Programme embraces a number of various methods, supporting individual and group work in many different ways. Our lessons lean on an encouraging and affirmative pedagogical attitude using techniques like stress relief, relaxation, meditation, recollection of own experiences, as well as brainstorming and the experience-based construction of new knowledge.
Our intention is to plant and nurture the development of the ability for happiness in next generations through playful, creative tasks and exercises. As a result, Happiness Lessons incorporate music, drawing, improvisations, photography, film making and a lot of other creative activities.
The Programme positively affects the development of children and their way of thinking, and due to its system of activities it also helps build the class into a well-knit team, it strengthens social connections and friendships, improves peer-to-peer, peer-to-teacher and child-parent relationships, moreover it has a positive effect on teachers and – as feedback shows – even on the school community as a whole. We provide effective tools to increase the level of happiness and to recall positive experiences consciously.
We believe that those who take part in this process, whether students, parents or teachers, will be able to discover the experiences which fill them with positive emotions and confidence. These experiences can originate from their own or others’ rich personalities, lives and their interactions.
In 1948 The World Health Organization defined health as „a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being…” . This definition still stands, although the focus of the different generations might shift from time to time.
These days more and more parents and institutions realise the importance and main role of mental, psychological and emotional wellbeing in children’s education.
Nurturing the emotional wellbeing of children and improving the ability and skills to live a happy life is key as the number of depressed and stressed children keep increasing worldwide. The WHO prognosis on depression warns us, that by 2020 it will be one of the leading causes of disability in the world.
Therefore, it is vital to teach happiness and wellbeing at schools, to protect the mental health of our future generation.
Martin Seligman, the founder of positive psychology names three reasons for teaching happiness: it is an antidote to depression, it increases life satisfaction and aids to better learning and more creative thinking.
Based on the research of positive psychology, happiness has many benefits: for example it enhances motivation and academic achievement. Several research have also proven that happy people live longer, have better problem-solving skills and are more successful in life. They are much more creative, helpful and can concentrate better on particular activities.
Our Program can be introduced and adapted in workplaces, institutions and can also be integrated into the family life.